
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

10 Things You Don't Know About Me

Earlier today, Christy Tomlinson posted a list of ten things you may not know about her. Christy's openness and honesty inspired me to put myself out there too.

10 Things You Don't Know About Me
Donovan, Dec 2010
1.  My family consists of my 10-year old son Donovan, two pound puppies Olivia and Bella, and an annoyingly, needy cat named Tigger. Also a handful of fish and two dwarf frogs.

Bella (This is an older pic. She's much larger now.)
Olivia ("Olive")
 2.  I tend to be a loner. That's not to say that I don't have friends or like to spend time with others. It's just that I like to spend a lot of time alone exploring my interests.

3.  My biggest fears, besides failure, are snakes and rollercoasters. I live in snake-ridden Florida so I've had to face that fear far too many times. My rollercoaster fear, I've tried to get past for the sake on my son who is fearless but they still frighten me and I find no fun in them in the least bit.

4.  Since Christy listed a word she commonly misspells, I'll tell you mine - probably. The only reason it's spelled correctly here is the blessing of spell-check.

5.  I like most types of music except rap. Lately I've been into folksy-type music like Schuyler Fisk. I'll soon post a music list for you to check out.

6.  I love, love, love to read. I'm currently using an e-reader on my ipod Touch. Even as a child my nose was always stuck in a book. Another future post, a book list.
Amanda in India, Nov 2010
7.  This past year I was able to visit the #1 item on my bucket list - Pray in India. I am so very thankful to have been able to make the trek to explore the place that has held my heart for so long.

8.  I love to travel and plan to make two more trips this year if vacation time and money allows. The first is a getaway with a girlfriend to Kripalu which we've said for years that we would do. The second is to my first art retreat. I'm still debating on which one but it's a HUGE step for me to take that first brave leap out of my comfort zone to meet like-minded artists in the art community.

9.  I'm mostly an "in the closet" artist. Most people who know or work with me have absolutely no idea what I spend so much time on except for those in my close, personal circle. This blog was my first step in "outing" myself. I guess this is mostly because of my insecurity in my own talents. I'm trying to remind myself that we all have to start somewhere and that I need to be true to myself.

10.  My favorite mind-numbing activity to veg out is to watch Family Guy marathons. It's terrible but I just love the show and it's generally how I spend my Monday nights thanks to TBS and Cartoon Network.

Thanks for tuning in to my ramblings. Have a great night!


  1. What a great post! You are so blessed to have been able to pray in india! :D I need to make a bucket list!

  2. What a great list.... and I hopw you get a chance to make your trips... girl time and expanding our horizons are both super important. Glad i got a chance to "meet" you and I'll be back by.
