
Sunday, March 27, 2011

Weekend Recap - Celebrating spring & creating vision cards

I can't believe it's already Sunday evening! Where does the weekend go? I have to say that I was productive with mine...mostly. :-)

Spring is my favorite time of year. I love opening up the windows and letting some fresh air in before the humidity becomes unbearable and the a/c must come on. My roses begin to bloom and the yard work starts. I spent the last few weekends cleaning up the borders around my front walkway and porch in anticipation of new dutch peonies and climbing roses to arrive for planting. Those were planted plus these lovelies that I picked up from Lowe's:

Petunia on the left and African Daisy on the right. I can't wait until the roses and peonies begin to bloom!

You know what else I love about Spring? It feels so refreshing, like a brand new start. A clean slate. A new beginning. You purge all the weeds (bad habits, negativity, time-wasters, etc.), prepare the soil (journal, plan, mind-map, resolutions), and you place new life into the earth (new business, idea, art). What a wonderful rebirth! Let's celebrate spring by purging and preparing for our new hatchlings. Plant those seeds and watch the beauty unfurl!

I also played catch-up this weekend on assignments for the WishBIG ecamp over at Wish Studio. If you didn't sign up for this you're really missing out on great lessons and an encouraging community. Here's one of the assignments I worked on from Jamie Ridler's class on making intuitive vision cards:

The one on the left is my love/relationship card, the right is my health/fitness card, and the center is my business/creativity card. I made them on card stock that I'll slip in page protectors and keep near my desk to be inspired by. So fun and great wishes to send out to the universe!

I hope you come back tomorrow because there's one more thing I worked on this weekend that I want to give to you as a gift for sharing this creative journey with me. See you tomorrow!


1 comment:

  1. your cards came out beautifully! thanks so much for sharing them and for being a part of this very special experience!!! xoxo
