
Sunday, March 20, 2011

Weekend Recap - Full Moon Dreamboard

With last night's Full Worm Full Moon I thought I would release my dreams and ambitions to the universe. This is a dreamboard a did a few months ago but never shared:

Today I will be brave and share my "dreams that are wiggling their way to the surface" in the words of Jamie Ridler. Instead of a board or journal pages I decided to work on my "dream cards" that go in my "dream box" that I've been working on from The Right-Brain Business Plan. I've mostly been journaling and doodling in my art journal but I decided the box would be a great display that I would be reinspired each time I lifted the lid. Here are my cards and box:

I added inspring words, the header of my blog, a check from The Secret, and if you've noticed a pattern, an image of Kelly Rae Roberts who is my inspiration and from-a-distance mentor.

To participate in this month's full moon dreamboard visit Jamie Ridler Studios here.

What dreams do you wish to surface this full moon?


  1. really beautiful, amanda. may all your dreams come true. best wishes, patti

  2. I just love your idea of a dream box...and it's beautiful!

  3. Love your box, and all of the visions making their way inside... beautiful!

  4. love the creativity around all your dream focus.... may all of your dreams wiggle to the surface and say hello to mother spring! i am dreaming of blossoming this month.
