
Monday, September 12, 2011

Full Moon Dreamboard - Full Corn Moon

image credits: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, & 7
Tonight is the Full Corn Moon which Jamie defines as, "the beginning of harvest season, a celebration of the fruits of golden summer and a preparation for what is to come." I haven't done a digital collage in a while and since I'm finishing a last few items before embarking on The Creative Connection event, I thought it was a good time to see which images I'm drawn to this month digitally.

Since I've taken a recent break from artwork that I share with others while working on SR1 with Brave Girls Club, I feel an extreme need to start diving back into creating artwork to share with the world again (read more here). This seems that TCC is falling into my schedule at the most perfect of times and I look forward to reemerging from my svadyaya (self-study) with a renewed sense of purpose. 

My collage symbolizes my longing for creativity to stay in my life and become even more of a focus. I want to paint with reckless abandon like when I was a child without allowing my inner critic to take the main stage. I want to paint freely and even though life is difficult, I want to add more beauty to the world.

What do you wish to harvest and prepare to come into fruition? 

Creatively yours,


  1. Love your collage! I can't wait to see what you create next...

  2. Your dream board is beautiful. I can't wait to see what you share with the world! Cheers, Lisa

  3. Lovely Dreamboard. I love the symbolization of painting like a child with reckless abandon!

  4. You already add an amazing amount of beauty to this world, Amanda.
    Here's to more dreams coming to fruition for you !
    Cheers, Beautiful Friend !
