
Monday, July 9, 2012


I was with my son at the bookstore on Saturday looking for something special to read. I ended up in the Christian living section and a book called Captivating: Unveiling the Mystery of a Woman’s Soul practically jumped off the shelf at me. It was exactly what I was looking for and needed.

My most favorite word in all the English language happens to be captivating. A few years ago I was seeing a therapist and one of my assignments was to write a letter to myself. In the letter I wrote about how I no longer choose to just settle in my life anymore. I wrote about the qualities I was looking for in my future mate and what I didn’t want. One of the things I wrote was that when my soul mate gazed into my eyes his word to describe me would be captivating. I know, this sounds like the makings of a Disney movie, but it’s my dream guy so let me dream. :-) So anyway, it’s no surprise that the book that found me is called Captivating.

Girl, this book could have possibly been written just for me. I’m not done with it yet but what I’ve read has resonated with me on so many levels. It’s written by the husband and wife team, John and Stasi Eldredge and has been out for a while but I guess I wasn’t quite ready for it until now.

They talk about how the desires of a woman’s heart that are generally viewed as fantasy (i.e. romance novel, only in movies, etc.) aren’t really dreaming but the life that God had planned for you to begin with. That you should be romanced and your beauty should be marveled at, not in a construction site catcall kind of way but as the true work of art that you are.

When we don’t receive these things in our life we often blame ourselves and feel as if there’s something wrong with us. We feel like we’re not enough (not pretty enough, thin enough, disciplined enough) and too much (too sensitive, needy, emotional) all at the same time. Generally, we are looking in the wrong direction for these roles to be filled. God created woman as his finishing touch to a masterpiece not as an afterthought. He wants to romance us and give us all our hearts desires. He sees you as the captivating woman you are.

Isn’t that beautiful? I want to keep soaking in the goodness of this book and the highlighted scriptures. I hope you have a beautiful Monday and know that you are enough just as you are.

Lots of Love,

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