
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

DIY :: New Year Wishes Prayer Flags

Happy New Year! I came across a version of these prayer flags in a copy of Somerset Workshop several years ago and have wanted to make my own set every since. In fact, I bought the raw canvas back then and the roll has been sitting in my art room all this time. LOL. Anyway, I thought this would be the perfect way to start off the new year with sweet wishes for myself and the world.

Here's how to make your own set:

Start with a roll of raw canvas (Dick Blick). Measure out five flags (or the number of your choosing) 6 in. by 8 in.

Cut out your pieces.

Unravel a couple strings from three sides of each square to give it a weathered fringe look.

Fold over the top (non-raveled edge) to make a 1 in. channel and sew or glue to secure. I used hot glue.

Paint each flag the color of your choosing on the front and backside.

Select your embellishments to use as masks. I picked up wooden cutouts and metal charms from Michaels.

Decide on the layout.

Spray the flag with a color mist or spray paint. I use a box when spraying my Glimmer Mists to contain the overspray. This is a discarded canning jar box that I line with paper towels. Bonus: you can use the paper towels for your art journal pages!

Blot off excess and remove objects.

I got busy here and stopped taking pictures. :-) Let your creativity take over and use paints, markers, pens, white out, etc. to pretty up your flags and add words. I used a glitter writer and some Glossy Accents to add more detail.

When complete, add a blast of glitter (Glitter Blast) and a coat of protectant.

Punch holes on the bottom of flags. I made three but you can add as few or many as you like. I tried using a cheap hand punch from the dollar store but it wouldn't punch through so I had to use my heavy duty 3-hole punch creating one hole at a time.

Add some pretty ribbons and fibers. I purchased my gorgeous fibers from Knot Original.

String twine through the channel. I used a pencil to open up the channel to allow the twine through. Add a plastic ring to the ends or knot a loop for hanging. Add more fibers to cover the twine.

Hang your prayer flags and send blessings out into the world!


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