
Monday, May 20, 2013

Garden of Life

Good day, Sweet Pea. I hope your Monday is off to a great start for a super, amazing week. :-) 

I shared a list awhile back called 10 Things About Me and thought it was apropos to add more to the list relating to my life's current happenings. Grab your favorite beverage, sit back, kick your feet up, and sit a spell with me, if you will. We can plant some beautiful seeds together.

1) I struggle with my self-worth on a daily hourly basis. I remember having this internal conflict as a child, especially in my teen years, and it continues on into adulthood. The difference between now and then is that I now KNOW my worth even though I may doubt or question it at times. You know what's truly ironic? My name, Amanda, means "worthy of love."

2) You know how we have soul mates and soul places? Well, my sweet pup, Bella, is my dog soul mate. I knew the moment that I met her in the animal rescue center that she is my (dog) soul companion and would always have my heart. I love both of my pups and have always bonded well with animals but we share something I've never felt with any other furry (or feathered) creature before.

3) I have the heart of a nomadic wanderer so that my middle name should be Wanderlust. I love to travel and I (rarely) feel the need to visit the same place twice. Once I've visited a location, I can mark it off the list. I would rather visit a new place next then to go back to the same place all over again. If I do go back, often, my second trip is never as good as my first because I am no longer seeing the location through first-timer eyes.

4) I have several themes that have been reoccurring for me lately. One of them I shared recently on finding balance and another is on being seen. I love the synchronicity of these messages such as this morning receiving my Your Daily Gift and what was todays note? You are seen. A fluke? I think not.

5) Lately, I've felt like I'm on the verge of something big. I mean HUGE. It's like I'm right there nearing the edge and can almost see the threshold. The edge is a bit hazy but it becoming a bit clearer and when I can distinctly see the border it will be time to leap. Bravely leap. Into the unfamiliar and unknown. But this I know for sure, it will be good. Amazing.

So tell me, what seeds are you currently planting in your garden of life?


1 comment:

  1. Amanda,
    I love your list! Thank you for sharing from your heart. It is interesting to know our worth intellectually as adults, but to truly feel it through and through. I am excited to see where this journey takes you!
