
Monday, February 28, 2011

My favorite things - Etsy Finds

1) These colorful word tags from Tucker Reece found here.
2) This sweet love necklace from KKT Creations found here.
3) This flower hairpiece from Mojo Spa Style found here. Not only are the accessories beautiful but so are their images!
4) I love this skirt from Fantasy Clothing found here. If only my legs were long enough to pull it off!
 5) This fabric rose wreath from Fa Sew La Stitches (here) would be so inviting on my front door!

Monday Musings - What lifts your spirits?

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Wow! Today is such a downer day. I wish I could pull myself out of this funk. I guess I have the Monday Blues. I’m going to stop at the local cupcake shop on my way home for a pick-me-up. I think a little “me” time and a soak in a Lush bath bomb filled tub is just what I need. I’ll start with a little bit of journaling in my art journal and maybe a bit of painting. A spritz of lavender room spray in my bedroom after my bath and off to the land of nod. I’ll be as good as new tomorrow. 

What do you do when you’re feeling down and need your spirits lifted?

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Weekend Recap - Crafty Chica

Hello dearies! I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. My, does it fly by! Here are my latest girls:

If you have a moment, stop on by Crafty Chica and check out the Post Your Craft post and an amazing giveaway of Traci Bautista's ecourse Discovering Y.O.U. I soooooo wanted to take this course but my budget didn't allow.

Have a great week!

Friday, February 25, 2011

On the Web

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TGIF lovelies! Even with Monday off work for President's Day this still seemed like an extra long week! I was thankful for an extra day off which I spent on a 5-mile hike with a girlfriend. The last few days I've been working on The Right Brain Business Plan. Such a fun way to look at such a daunting and mundane task of creating a business plan. The weekend has arrived and it's time to get my paint on! Okay, maybe some house and yardwork too. :-)

- Recently I shared a link for printable blog planners from Create as Folk. They just released the monthly version for March so you can prepare your blog for the upcoming month (here).

- I'm so excited for Christy Tomlinson's She Art Workshop to begin next week. There's still time to register (here). She shared this beautiful *free* print, She knew she was loved, a few weeks ago (here). I had some pics I needed printed at the local photo lab and sent this one along with them. It's so lovely I think I'll frame her!

- Becky Higgins of Project Life shared the *free* print, You get what you get and you don't throw a fit (here).

- iHanna posted a tutorial on how to make your own planner (here). I love that "glitterlicious pink" cover!

I hope you enjoy your weekend and have time to indulge in some creative time!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Quote - Accepting Oneself

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"The most terrifying thing is to accept oneself completely."  ~Carl Jung

Wishcasting Wednesday: What do you wish for your home?

It's Wishcasting Wednesday! Today's question:

What do you wish for your home?

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Oh, I dream of a home free of clutter. A home that's inviting and relaxing. Where friends seek shelter from the turmoil in their lives. A cozy, zen-like feeling that seeps deep in your soul on entrance. Once you open the door, you know you're home.

Monday, February 21, 2011

My favorite things

1)  I'm loving The Right-Brain Business Plan by Jennifer Lee and making my own creative business plan.

2) Enjoying the sunny Florida weather by hiking with friends.

 3) These Love Bird Glitter Letters from A Charmed Life Inc on Etsy found here. They're so cute and girly!
 4) These sweet little owls from Claylicious. Actually, everything in this shop!

5) Discovering that I don't owe on my taxes after all!

What are your favorite things?

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Friday, February 18, 2011

On the web...

~ Create Mixed Media is hosting an Art Sweepstakes giveaway here

~ Elle's Studio has a *free* art journaling PDF, In Your Own Words here

~ Kind Over Matter shared the sweetest video on Random Acts of Kindness here and Positive Printable here

~ Scarlet Lime revamped their shop this week which now includes mixed media kits here which would be perfect for Christy's upcoming She Art Workshop here

~  Wish Studio opened registration this week for the wishBIG ecamp here

~ Curly Girl, Leigh posted a sweet DIY, Delightful Drawers tutorial from their showroom display in ATL here

Happy Friday and I hope you have a great weekend!

Quote - Marianne Williamson

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“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”   ~Marianne Williamson

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

My Favorite Things

1)  Valentine's Day candy on sale!

 2) The fabulous jewelry at 3 Little Birds Boutique here.

3) Giveaways! Here's two awesome giveaways: Create Mixed Media artist's giveaway including Creative Bloom by Jennifer Swift here and Susan Tuttle at Ilka's Attic is hosting a giveaway of Flavor for Mixed Media by Mary Beth Shaw here.

4) This gorgeous dress from Chic Compliment on Etsy found here.

5) Art Journal Love Day Party at Dirty Footprints Studio! Feel the love and spread the love.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Art Journal Love Day!!!

Happy Valentine's Day and Happy Art Journal Love Day! Woohoo!

Will you help spread the love?


Monday Musings - Sharing Kindness

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If you haven’t read this post at Kind Over Matter where Kelly Rae Roberts was a guest, please stop by KOM and read it. 

Kelly Rae is such a beautiful spirit and discusses how she is not very good at feeling kindness when it is given.  I totally get what she’s saying! Over the years I’ve learned to accept compliments from others as opposed to brushing them off, “I love that shirt! It looks great on you!” to which I would reply, “Thanks but I think it makes me look fat.” And graduated to, “Oh thanks. That purse is awesome!” That would be deflection, my dear. I accepted the comment but exchanged the negativity for uncomfortableness to a compliment and then sent a compliment back to them. Is that really any better? I never really felt, like Kelly shared, the full happiness in my heart, the thankfulness deep in my soul. It’s okay to feel. It’s okay to allow their kindness to seep into you. It’s okay to accept a compliment as it is. 

Her post really resonated with me and allowed me an “aha!” moment that I just needed to share. (giggle) I guess I just needed to share the kindness! Have a great day and spend time with your sweeties today!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

On the Web - THIS Moment ecourse

When I got home from work today I took a little "me time" to work on my worksheets from Mindy Tsonas ecourse THIS Moment. I'm really enjoying the worksheets and Mindy's inspiration. I felt so encouraged as I worked on these that underneath all my fears and worries are my dreams waiting to be released and explored. I know they're there but sometimes it takes a little uncovering and examination to be able to completely release them out into the universe.

This weeks finds:

~ Last week I shared with you Vivienne McMaster's 14 Days of Self-Love series. This week she posted this beautiful pictorial post, Work In Progress.

~ Kind Over Matter added another awesome printable this week, a Valentine's Love Banner.

~ Scoutie Girl posted this inspiring post on her blog about crafting goals and shared a free goals worksheet at the end of the post. Brittni from Papernstitch guest blogged on Discovering Your True Goals and shared a Track This! worksheet.

~ iHanna shared a wealth of resources on printable calendars and planners here.

~ I signed up this week for Jennifer Lee's *free* The Right-Brainers in Business Video Summit virtual retreat on February 28th - March 11th. Go here for more info. I ordered her newly released book, The Right Brain Business Plan today from Amazon. Inspiration!

~ I also signed up this week for Christy Tomlinson's The She Art Workshop which begins February 28th. Yea!

Ahh...I see the weekend approaching! Have a great rest of the week!