
Friday, March 16, 2012

TGIFive on Friday

This might be the cutest cuddly creatures at play video! Enjoy!

1) I MUST make a Dear Universe jar to send gratitude and wishes out into the world!

My Smiling Heart
2) How to BE the Change from Liv Lane. Liv is so right on about being yourself and doing what you love to BE the change you wish to see in the world.

3) I just came across WISH (Women's International Summit for Health) and really enjoying the talks on health, fitness, wisdom, relationships, etc by an array of inspiring speakers (SARK is one of them!).

4) Have you heard of One Word? One word is displayed and you have 60 seconds to write about it without thinking into it.

5) Hanging Out on Our Growing Edge from Jamie Ridler reminds me of how much I miss yoga and one of the things I really loved was that no matter your level we are all the same, we are one, on the mat.

Have a beautiful weekend!

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