
Saturday, November 3, 2012

What I've Been Up To

Hello Lovlies! I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend. I thought I'd take a moment to share my latest happenings before I go work on my AEDM project for today.

I recently went to an art class at my local visual arts center and created this lovely mermaid:

This was my the view for some videography at work:

This was our rustic cabin for camping last weekend:

There was a teeny tiny porch with a swing and only two rooms to the cabin. The first one housed two sets of bunks:

The second one had a double bed.

My bunk was the messy one *giggle*:

This was our little "out house":

There was bluegrass music enjoyed with good company and ice cold beer:

And ziplining on Saturday, which I did NOT like:

I was busy this week editing video at work and took this picture during a break:

BTW, that is the Gulf of Mexico in the background.

Today we went to the Bear Creek Feline Center, a local feline conservation center for unwanted, altered, threatened, and endangered big cats. You could really feel the love these volunteers have for the magnificent creatures that could have been euthanized had the center not taken them in.

This is Cleo the panther:

This is Saint the Florida Panther playing in the water with his ball. He lives here with his mate Dani as part of their conservation breeding program. I have some great video of Saint that I'll upload soon as he had me entertained for quite a while.

I won't overload you with all my pictures because they also have Bobcat's, Geoffroy cat, Melanistic Geoffroy cat, Jaguarundi's, and Siberian Lynx. I will share with you one of my favorite parts:

If you noticed that I had an African Serval practically curled up in my lap then you noticed correctly. His name is Cheetah and he lives with his mate Sheena. My heart was bursting with joy as Cheetah "picked" me. Each of the cats has a handler but the handler doesn't pick the cat. The cat picks the handler. We were allowed in the Serval cages in small groups. We couldn't reach out and pet them like a house cat although Cheetah did allow me to briefly pet him. The cats prefer to love on you and not the other way around. They said that Cheetah is usually standoffish with humans so I'm even more proud to have been his playmate.

As he was laying here he was rubbing his neck on my shoe and after the above pictures he circled around me and marked me (with his cheek glands like a house cat). He nipped me a couple times trying to get my keys out of my pocket. LOL. I may have to go back and visit my friend again soon!

My bestie got some video of our interaction which I'll also share with you once I get it from her. I also want to note that her teenage daughter gave me the best compliment ever later in the afternoon by saying that she wasn't surprised that one of the cats picked me because of my personality. Isn't that sweet?

We spent the rest of the afternoon vintage shopping at local antique shops. This set of old books got my attention due to it's condition and title, Things Fall Apart. How cute is that?

I fell in love with this little guy and brought him home with me. He's a handmade leather teddy bear. Adorable.

Well, that catches you up on the last couple weeks. I'm about to watch Tonight You're Mine while I wait for the glass beads to dry on my art journal pages. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

Overflowing with Love,

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