Woman is a marvelous creature and should be revered as the beautiful and amazing beings that we are. We should have that admiration for ourselves and respect our thoughts and feelings in mind, body, and soul. We hurt ourselves more than we can ever hurt each other with the verbal abuse we commit each day. This soul-wrecking, esteem-stomping personal hostility will end today for me. Right here, right now.
Today I forgive myself for the transgressions I’ve committed against myself in the past. I let go of the need to beat myself up and hurt my inner child. Today I take a stand and commit to loving me. Today I married me.
Yup, you heard that right. Today I married myself. I took sacred vows and committed to honoring myself wholeheartedly. I honor my true self and commit to kindness and compassion. On this new moon in this new year for a new me.
This is the day I make a commitment to me to love myself wholeheartedly. |
I spent the evening indulging my creative side, pampering myself, and practicing some soul care before my private ceremony began.
Eat, drink, be happy.
Accept the miracle.
Accept, too, each spoken word
spoken with love.
~Mary Oliver, excerpt of poem, Logos
Tulip bouquet, sage smudging, and a reading of E.E. Cummings, I Carry Your Heart.
"You are my best friend and soul mate. You complete me in a way no other person can. I will value you and treat you with dignity and respect. I will embrace your shortcomings as they are what makes you unique. I honor our union with the purest love one can have for another." ~Excerpt from vows
Grounded. |
In lieu of a ring...
But still, like air, I'll rise. ~Maya Angelou, from Still I Rise
Marry Yourself: Creating Sacred Vows for Self-Love on Tiny Buddha
To Me I Wed on Kind Over Matter
How to Become Your Own Best Friend and When Goddesses Unite from Leonie Dawson
I'm Getting Married...to Myself! from XO Jane
I love that you did this "For You" ~ Touched my heart ~ Good for you!