
Thursday, February 10, 2011

On the Web - THIS Moment ecourse

When I got home from work today I took a little "me time" to work on my worksheets from Mindy Tsonas ecourse THIS Moment. I'm really enjoying the worksheets and Mindy's inspiration. I felt so encouraged as I worked on these that underneath all my fears and worries are my dreams waiting to be released and explored. I know they're there but sometimes it takes a little uncovering and examination to be able to completely release them out into the universe.

This weeks finds:

~ Last week I shared with you Vivienne McMaster's 14 Days of Self-Love series. This week she posted this beautiful pictorial post, Work In Progress.

~ Kind Over Matter added another awesome printable this week, a Valentine's Love Banner.

~ Scoutie Girl posted this inspiring post on her blog about crafting goals and shared a free goals worksheet at the end of the post. Brittni from Papernstitch guest blogged on Discovering Your True Goals and shared a Track This! worksheet.

~ iHanna shared a wealth of resources on printable calendars and planners here.

~ I signed up this week for Jennifer Lee's *free* The Right-Brainers in Business Video Summit virtual retreat on February 28th - March 11th. Go here for more info. I ordered her newly released book, The Right Brain Business Plan today from Amazon. Inspiration!

~ I also signed up this week for Christy Tomlinson's The She Art Workshop which begins February 28th. Yea!

Ahh...I see the weekend approaching! Have a great rest of the week!


  1. Thank you for sharing all the goodies!
    Very Inspiring, enjoyed the visit :]

  2. thank you for sharing your inspiration, insight and kind words. i'm so happy we are on this little adventure together! it makes this moment even more special...xo
