
Tuesday, December 20, 2011

2012 Word-of-the-Year – Seek

So as a new year will soon roll around, it’s time to start thinking about my word-of-the-year for 2012. This past year my word was “Open” as I was opening myself up to new possibilities. As I also might note, it was one of the very first posts ever for this blog. That would play an enormous role into being open, putting myself out there, and allowing the universe to use me.

In hindsight the word open couldn’t have been more perfect. Especially now as I look up the meaning of “open” in the Encarta Dictionary.

Open (adj.)
1)      not closed – allowing people or things to pass through freely
2)      Allowing access to inside – with the lid, cork, or other device removed or in a position that allows access to the inside
3)      Not sealed – not sealed, fastened, or wrapped
4)      Apart or wide – with part of the body widened or apart
5)      Unfolded or apart – having been unfolded
6)      Frank and honest – not trying to hide anything or deceive anyone
7)      Public – conducted in a public manner
8)      Receptive
9)      Vulnerable
10)   Not enclosed
11)  Not covered
12)  Available to do business

I’ll stop there since this goes on for 42 descriptions, but you see what I mean? This so describes me and the stance I’ve taken this past year!

As I plan to continue to allow myself to be open into 2012, the word “seek” keeps popping into play. Just for giggles I had to look this one up!

Seek (v)
1)      Search for something
2)      Strive for something
3)      Ask for something
4)      Head for something
5)      Attempt something

I don’t know what this “something” is but I most certainly want to search, strive, ask, head, and attempt this something that I seek!

Or which seeks me…

What was your 2011 word or mantra? How did it play out for you throughout the year? Have you discovered your 2012 word yet?

If you need help, Christine Kane has a handy dandy *free* guide to help you with the discovery process.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing this... I am going to do this this year ^_^
