
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

How-To: Be the Change

You must be the change you wish to see in the world.  ~Mahatma Gandhi

I often write about how to “Be the change” and about Random Acts of Kindness (RAOK). I’ve also written about my adventures in RAOK Week and 36th Birthday Challenge. Today I want to share with you how to go about your own RAOK mission and how you can be a part of the change you wish to see.

According to Wikipedia:

Kindness is the act or the state of being kind, being marked by good and charitable behavior, pleasant disposition, and concern for others.

Decide you want to make a change.

Determine what act you wish to achieve. What are you passionate about? What touches your heart the most? Would you like to do volunteer work, make a donation, help a person/family in need, perform a RAOK, or get involved in a cause?

Review resources for ideas and information. Who will you serve? What organizations spark your interest? Look at specific areas of interest – disaster relief, children, homeless, environment, your community, in the U.S., and worldwide. Look at free or low-cost ideas if you’re financially strapped. Look to organizations that could use your help volunteering.

Determine the steps necessary to achieve your goal. What will you need? Do you need others to get involved? Will it be anonymous? Silently serve? When will your action take place? Where?

Make it happen! Just do it and with your whole heart.

Feel good about it. Know that all it takes is one person to make a difference to the life of others. Even though it feels good to serve others, seva is not meant to gain personal rewards. Always from the heart and you’ll never go wrong!

Seva (Sanskrit) is the idea of selfless service and considered an essential devotional practice in most Indian dharmic religions and yogic traditions. Seva is a term used to denote service performed without expectation of a reward.

Here are a few of my favorite resources / causes:

To Write Love on Her Arms
American Red Cross
Humane Society
Random Acts of Kindness
Love Infinitely
charity: water

The Girl Effect
Mother Miracle School, Rishikesh, India

Feed My Starving Children
Panama City Rescue Mission (local, homeless shelter)
Animal Rescue Center of Bay County (local, rescue/adoption)

What are your favorite charities and resources? I’d love to hear about any plans you have or recent RAOK missions!


1 comment:

  1. Big thanks from American Red Cross here in DC for including us on your list!
