
Monday, February 25, 2013

Full Moon Dreamboard :: Full Snow Moon

This is the Full Snow Moon and asks, "What desires lie deep within?" To participate, please visit Jamie Ridler Studios.

This month green is the color that spoke to me to be the background. Like last month's color of purple, green is another color I don't use often. This color choice makes me think of being earthy, grounded, natural, and being in touch with nature. Makes sense because I'm a Taurus which is the direction of North, an earth sun sign. 

The little girl artist was the first image that I picked which makes me think of connecting with my inner child artfully. This is timely because I'm currently taking Flora Bowley's Bloom True ecourse. This class is guiding me to approach painting playfully and fearlessly as a child would, unconcerned with the outcome and just having fun. This could also account for the flower blooming in the center of my board. Flowers were the main theme in my dreamboard last month. 

The lady eating the apple represents how I am focusing on nourishing my body more mindfully. I went for my Jenny Craig weigh-in this afternoon and have now lost 5% of my total body weight. Woohoo! The loving couple represents the intention I sent out to the universe last week. The phrases all fit into my current mindset. I was especially pleased to see "ripple effect" make it's way here because that is something I've been journaling about lately and is even written on the kraft paper covering my art desk.

I hope you're enjoying the full moon! Unfortunately, I can't see it since we're finishing up day 4 of rainstorms. I'm so over the gloomy weather. Have a wonderful night!



  1. maybe its green as the main colour cos you cant wait for spring to arrive?
    may ALL your dreams come true!

  2. Hello Lovely Amanda! It's been quiet a while since I visited your blog and I'm so happy to see what you're up to:)
    How wonderful that you are take Flora's eCourse. I want to hear all about it.
    I'm going to subscribe so we can stay in touch.
    Love + Gratitude, Tia

  3. I especially love connecting with the inner child and the ripple effect -
    May all your dreams come to fruition!

  4. Keep up the hard work. Very nice board. May all your dreams come true.

  5. Lovely! Your board really spoke all those things to me, the healthy eating, the intention for a connection... May all your dreams come true!

  6. Congratulations on your weight loss. That's so awesome! May all your dreams come true :-)

  7. You are inspiring w all your creativity, Amanda - I need to create something new - Thank You for that!
