
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

For Your Own Wellbeing: Essential Self-care

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To keep the body in good health is a duty... otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear.  ~Buddha

I’ve shared several times how crucial a day of self-care is to your overall health. Whether it’s a few hours, a day, weekend, or even a whole week (for a few lucky ducks!); self-care should be a basic part of your regimen. It’s essential to your mental, physical, and creative health and offers a restorative balance to your life.

I’ve shared a few posts on simple ways to include self-care in 7 Ways to Relax and 15 Mood Boosters. Today I want to share a few resources that may spark the addition of a few “me moments” in your schedule.

+ The Receiving Project shares 56 Acts of Self-Care
+ Blessing Manifesting shares A Moment Just for You
+ Metta Drum shares 9 Ways to Be Gentle with Yourself
+ Marc and Angel Hack Life shares 30 Things to Start Doing for Yourself
+ The Woman's Field Guide shares 50 to Practice Great Self-Care Without Spending a Dime

Check out these resources and take a few minutes to look at how you spend your time. Is there an extra hour that you can spend on you? What are some ways you can take time for yourself?

You deserve it!

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