
Sunday, February 19, 2012

RAOK Week - Day 6 & 7

Welcome to Day 7 of Random Acts of Kindness WeekDay 1Day 2, Day 3, Day 4 & 5.

Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love.  ~Lao Tzu

Well, we made it to the last day of RAOK Week! I hope you've been able to get out and share some kindness not only with your loved ones but with strangers too. Instead of going out today we're going to stay in while still working towards our favorite causes.

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Are you familiar with Free Rice? It's completely free and fun. Simply click on the correct answer and for each one you get right 10 grains of rice is donated to United Nations World Food Program. The more you get right the more rice that's donated. Oh yeah, as a bonus your vocabulary improves. :-D

There are many "free click" sites out there that make a donation when you make one click each day. Nice Things To Do created a one stop shop listing these sites for hunger, children, fighting cancer, education, women, and the environment. All you have to do is go to the website, click on the button, and they make a donation. Free and easy! Instead of wasting time on Facebook or reading depressing news - yeah, I do it to!  - you can click for a cause.

I also want to share another cause that is near and dear to me, Kiva. I'm sure you've heard of them but you may not realize how easy it is to make a loan and change a life. What I love about Kiva is that you can see who your loan is going to (you pick the individual/group) and that when that loan is repaid you can then loan those funds to another individual. That $25 keeps on giving.

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There are so many ways you make a difference:

- Don't throw away, recycle.
- Give the gift of life, become an organ donor
- Collect canned goods to donate to your local food bank
- Donate blood
- Bring a bag of dog or cat food to your local animal shelter
- Open you home and heart by adopting a rescue pet
- Open the door for a stranger
- Pay the tab for the next customer
- Say, "Good Morning." to a stranger
- Leave a generous tip when dining out
- Let the next person go ahead of you in line
- When you're heading into Target and you see someone finished unloading their cart, take the cart off their hands
- Leave a positive comment on your favorite blogs
- Read a book for children at storytime at your local library
- Clean out your closets and donate the used clothing
- Leave change in vending machines for the next customer

I've really enjoyed doing the RAOK this week and was so inspired by the kindness birthday mission that Becki of Whippy Cake carried out a few years ago that I've made a list of my own. I'll be 36 in May so that's 36 acts of kindness to complete. Yes, in one day!

Love to all,

1 comment:

  1. Well done! Thank you for being a force of love and peace in the world! You never know whose life you are changing!
