
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Wishcasting Wednesday: What do you wish for the world?

Thanks for joining me for this week's Wishcasting Wednesday. If you'd like to join this magical circle of dreamers and doers, please visit Jamie Ridler Studios.

This week's prompt:
What do you wish for the world?
image credit
I wish for kindness and understanding among the people of the world. I wish for peace and love to be expressed and shared. I wish for people to feel safe, warm, and have full bellies. I wish for no person in the world to go without their basic needs being met.

This is Random Acts of Kindness Week. Check out my posts for Day 1 and Day 2 for ideas on how to make a difference in your community and beyond.  



  1. As you wish for yourself (the world) so I wish for you (the world) also.

  2. peace and love ...

    As Amanda wishes for the world, so I wish also.

  3. What an awesome picture! And a heartfelt wish! I love how you said "no person... to go without their basic needs being met." We so often take for granted the things we have and forget that there are so many who have less... or nothing. As you wish for the world, so I also wish for it.

  4. Very lovely, Amanda.
    I agree... and to think,if we just would stop placing judgement on ourself and others, we all could be participating in RAK as a whole! What a wonderful world that would be?! :]
    Thank you for your wonderful acts of kindness, you are an inspiration to me and the world!! ((hugs))
    As you wish for yourself, I wish for you (us all) as well.

  5. Kindness and understanding. So important.
    As you wish for yourself, so I wish for you also.

  6. Such a lovely wish. I didn't realize it was RAK Week! Thanks for the reminder!
    As you wish for the world, and your self, so do I wish for you and the world.

  7. Gorgeous photo...beautiful wish. I love the simplicity, and the beauty within it:) As you wish for world and your self so I too wish for world and you as well:)

  8. I love the image you used on your post!! As you wish for yourself, so do I wish for you as well.

  9. Love the image! And all such wonderful wishes!

    As you wish for yourself (and the world), so I truly wish for you also.

  10. Hi Amanda,
    Nice image and great wish. May the world hear you. As you wish for yourself, I wish for you too.
    Greetings from France.

  11. So much warmth and sincerity in your wish... as you wish for yourself, I wish for you as well!

  12. Beautiful wish! As you wish for yourself, I wish for you also.

  13. What a lovely wish! as you wish for the world, so do I wish for you also.

  14. very well said and oh my your picture says a thousand word too. just love it.
